Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The dreaded N-CLEX

Now that I have had Miss Bella I have to concentrate on something that I have been putting off since I graduated-the NCLEX. I really have zero motivation to study for it. I did talk to one of the girls in my class yesterday and everyone that she knows of that has taken it has passed it, that makes me feel a little better. Guess I'll start studying and I'll let everyone know in a few weeks how it went-unless I don't pass and then I won't say anything. Any words of encouragement from any fellow nurses out there?


carrie said...

I think just going through lots of tests on the computer helped me the most. You'll do great, don't worry:) And you new baby is BEAUTIFUL!

B said...

I'm not a nurse... but good luck!!! I'm sure you'll do well! and Bella is adorable... of course I wouldn't expect any less, all of your kids are so cute!