Sunday, January 3, 2010

Blogger slacker

So I have been told that my blog has not been updated for two months. Yes I know I am a slacker, but I don't have 20 mins. of uninterrupted time to post anything. I can't use school or work as an excuse because I'm not in school anymore and no I don't work. So what do I do all day long that keeps me from blogging. Well I have four kids that I have to feed or breastfeed, bathe, fill and refill sippie cups for, read to, color with, break up when fighting, keep from climbing on the furniture-counter-refrigerator, remind them that we don't shoot our bows in the house especially not at our brother, redress because they like to be in their underwear (boys), keep from shooting their nerf darts at the plasma TV, tell them they can't ride their bikes and scooters in the house, make play-doh ice cream with, feed again and pull back to the table to finish their food, remind them to point their things down when they pee then clean up the pee when they don't listen, change diapers, put their sheets back on their bed after they have stripped three beds (a favorite for my boys), wipe snot, fix hair, pick out clothes for school (if I don't pick out the right clothes-there are tears (Abbie)), try to remember to have FHE with, say prayers with, paint fingernails, fix more food that is nutritious and something that all of them will eat, read scriptures too, tell them I love them......and when there is a quiet moment run don't walk to see what they're doing cuz it might be scary. (The list can go on and on)

I have four kids that are absolutely crazy but I also absolutely adore them. Raising them is by far the hardest thing I have ever done, but along with all of the hardships I get a lot of hugs, laughs, thank yous, wet kisses, hi mommys, smiles, that's a great idea moms, I wike this-dinners, homemade cards, and I wuv yous-I get to witness everything that goes on in their lives. When I die I doubt that Heavenly Father will say wow you really missed out on having a good career, I'm sure he wouldn't want me doing anything else at this point in time.

Now on to the awesome husband that I have-the one who also handles the above mentioned crazies plus working nights trying to sleep during the day while the crazies are being crazy. We are always his first priority and I love to watch him interact with the kids because I can see the love that he has for them. And when the day is over he still manages to tell me how much he loves me. He is very hard-working, supportive, thoughtful, patient, loving, sweet, hot, devoted and I just love him. This is our life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Sorry blogging world-I've been busy.


Keri said...

Thanks for this post. I needed to be reminded what a blessing motherhood is.

Bond Fam said...

Great post Maggie! You expressed a lot of what I feel all the time, and I only have one (almost 2 kids)!

The Ulibarri's said...

All of that sounds too familiar. Not to mention I only have two. You must be super woman! It was so good to see you guys. I wish we could have hung out more. Blogging is just too hard sometimes but I sure love to read your when you do blog. Keep us posted!

Audrie said...

Your kids are going to have gray hair before you post another picture of them.